Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is Weight Watchers the Answer?

I must admit, I don't know a whole lot about Weight Watchers, but I have heard stories of how WW clients could choose to eat hoho's while on the plan if that's what they desired.  Now I was pretty sure a hoho has no nutritional value at all - so why would you eat it?  But I decide to check it out online, and it has been confirmed, a hoho isn't really that good for you!  Over 40 grams of sugar and over 10 grams of saturated fat.  I thought our body was a machine, and the food you put into it is fuel for the machine.  Not sure if a hoho is going to fuel much.

But even though I've heard the stories, it wasn't until I was surfing the web that I saw something that confirmed what I had heard.  Here's a picture of it:

So if you were to believe this ad, and hey it must be true if WW is paying a bunch of money to make sure I see it, you can eat cupcakes while you're on Weight Watchers.  So if I'm going to WW presumably because I want to lose weight, and they're telling me I can eat cupcakes, and their tag line says "Because It Works", I might be wondering "What do I need Weight Watchers for?  I'm already eating cupcakes!".

Alright, maybe this is a bit extreme, I guess I'm just surprised that a big brand like Weight Watchers would perpetuate the idea that its OK to eat things like cupcakes in your quest for weight loss.  But it reminds me of a quote from the manager that worked at my first fitness center - "The easiest thing to sell someone is a lie they want to believe".

I'm going to end this post by telling you something you already know, but I'm going to put it out there anyways.  You can't eat cupcakes and expect to lose weight!

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